Safe Places Map
"Information You Need To Succeed"
The Only Real Time Database Driven Offender Support Site
Getting housing approved can be difficult. The tool below will allow you to enter any U.S. address to see if it is within prohibited distance from our national database of over 500,000 schools, daycares, and churches. In addition, parks are provided by Google Maps.
You can view the map tutorial here
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Safe Places Maps
This is the ONLY map of its kind anywhere on the Internet! With our Safe Places Map you can enter any address in the United States. The map is smart enough to know what that state’s residency restrictions are. The map will display the address you entered with a circle showing the restriction zone around it. It will then put markers on all the schools, daycares, and churches (if that state restricts them). If there are no markers inside or near the edge of the circle, then the address you entered is likely to be a legal place to live or visit. You can verify lots of addresses and make a list before you ask the authorities to verify them. Its fast and easy to quickly qualify a safe place to live. Simply enter any U.S. address above.
Local Police Contact Information
Some states like Florida and Wisconsin allow local municipalities to create their own laws and ordinances regarding residency restrictions. We advocate that it is your DUTY to ALWAYS contact the local law enforcement agency where you wish to reside or visit to find out if there are any local rules you must follow. We maintain several databases that currently containing more than 21,000 state and local police and county sheriff's offices. Our police databases are updated regularly. You can access the police databases here or on the Resources page.
Free Resources & Links
Here you will find the many different resources that we have compiled. These include local and national advocacy groups, basic state residency information, searchable databases, and much more. This information will be updated regularly as well.

Just who are we anyway?
We, like most of you, are registered citizens.
We are people on the registry who want to find ways to make our lives a little easier to live. We leave all of the good work other organizations do in the legislative and legal areas to them. They are the experts at that. Us? We have some tech, web, writing, and business experience and a burning desire to put something positive and unique together that will be helpful to our whole community, friends, and family. Read on to learn more about what we are doing now and what we have planned for the future. Oh, one more thing. Sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of the page so we can keep you informed about new features and updates.